Friday, May 1, 2009


Somehow life has a way of directing it's own flow. For about three weeks or so I have been sick. Maybe it is Lyme Disease or Colorado Tick Fever. Who knows. Several doctors appts and blood draws later no one seems to know for sure so I am being treated for Lyme Disease.

I find it ironic that my big issue in life is not being able to control my eating when right now I truly can't control what is happening to my body. I realize that I really could be in control of what I put in my mouth. I know that in my mind anyway. Why it doesn't happen is somewhat of a mystery to me? I also am shocked at how much my body is doing things without my consent! Fevers, nausea, low blood counts . . . what's with that?

So, when I'm awake I have food for thought, so to speak.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you are back on your blog. Missed your writings. I saw the tail end of a program on TLC Mystery Diagnosis or something and they talked about Lyme Disease. Might be worth looking on their website.

    I started again today to get back on track. It is so hard!!! I too want to be successful!

    Hanging in there with you!!
