Saturday, June 20, 2009



Monday, June 8, 2009

Making My Lists and Checking them . . . Lots and Lots

Last week the discussion at Weight Watchers was about motivation. I have heard of motivation. I know that some people seem to have it. I just don't. I can either try to fake it or try to manufacture it or just be honest and say that I don't have it. I guess that is not entirely accurate. I do have some motivation. I want to feel better. That is motivation. I don't want to be a freak anymore. I want to be able to have the energy to do the things I want to do and need to do. I want to live to play with my grandchildren. I want those things but apparently I don't want anything more than I want the soothing effect of food. It's a shaming truth.
I did listen to my leader at WW though. She has lost over 100lbs and used both a reward list and a "get it back" list. A reward list means that you schedule rewards for yourself as you lose weight. Sandi, my leader, scheduled a reward for every five pounds lost. That seemed a little crazy to me and a little expensive and a little self indulgent. But, it also sounded interesting. I've heard about doing that before but always turned away from it. The "get it back" list is about listing all the things you want to get back that you have given up because of excess weight. Now that one I can get into. So, I started making my lists. Both lists. This time I'm going for the whole experience.
In my reward list are things that cost money. Little things and big things. Among them are a magazine subscription (The English Home) a new plant for my deck (Jasmin) and getting my teeth whitened. Also listed are experiences. Things like a trip to the zoo (got to get my tiger fix ) spending a day reading a book at the ocean, and trying my hand at painting. Both lists are long because there is something for each five pounds lost and a whole lost of things I can't do now and want to do again.
I don't know if rewarding myself is selfish or not, but I'm going to do it because that seems to be how the winners -- the successful people -- do it. I'm tired of analyzing everything. I'm just going to go for it.